OpenShift Service Mesh


Sample application

Setup Control Plane and sidecar

  • Install following Operators from OperatorHub

    • Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform (Jaeger for OpenShift Service Mesh earlier than version 2.1)
    • Kiali
    • OpenShift Service Mesh
    • ElasticSearch (Optional)

    Install with CLI

    oc apply -f manifests/ossm-sub.yaml
    sleep 10
    oc wait --for condition=established --timeout=180s \
    crd/ \
    oc get csv -n openshift-operators

    Output condition met created condition met
    NAME                         DISPLAY                          VERSION   REPLACES                     PHASE
    jaeger-operator.v1.53.0-3    Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform   1.53.0-3   jaeger-operator.v1.51.0-1    Succeeded
    kiali-operator.v1.73.4       Kiali Operator                   1.73.4    kiali-operator.v1.65.11      Succeeded
    servicemeshoperator.v2.5.0   Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh   2.5.0-0   servicemeshoperator.v2.4.5   Succeeded


  • Create control plane by create ServiceMeshControlPlane CRD

    • CLI

      oc new-project istio-system
      oc create -f manifests/smcp.yaml -n istio-system
    • OpenShift Administrator Console

      • Switch to Adminstration and navigate to: Operators -> Installed Operators then select Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh->Service Mesh Control Plane

      • Select Create ServiceMeshControlPlane

- Navigate to Proxy and input following values to enable access log at Envoy (sidecar)


- Set outbound traffic policy


<!-- - Set auto mTLS to false

  ![](images/smcp-mtls.png) -->

- Verify YAML


- Create
  • Check for control plane creating status

    or use CLI

    watch oc get smcp/basic -n istio-system


    basic   9/9     ComponentsReady   ["default"]   2.3.0     80s
  • Join project1 into control plane

    • Create data plane project

      oc new-project project1
    • Review ServiceMeshMemberRoll CRD

      kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
        name: default
        - project1
    • Apply ServiceMeshMemberRoll

      oc create -f manifests/smmr.yaml -n istio-system
    • Check for ServiceMeshMemberRoll status

      oc describe smmr/default -n istio-system | grep -A2 Spec:
  • Deploy sidecar to frontend app in project1

    oc apply -f manifests/frontend.yaml -n project1
    oc patch deployment/frontend-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}' -n project1
    oc patch deployment/frontend-v2 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}' -n project1

  • Check for sidecar in frontend-v1 and frontend-v2 pods

    oc get pods -n project1

    Sample output

    NAME                           READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    frontend-v1-577b98f48c-6j5zg   2/2     Running       0          15s
    frontend-v1-c5d4648f9-7jfk2    1/1     Terminating   0          13m
    frontend-v2-5cd968bc59-cwsd8   2/2     Running       0          14s
    frontend-v2-5d4dbdbc9-k6787    1/1     Terminating   0          13m

    Check developer console

Traffic Management

Destination Rule, Virtual Service and Gateway


  • Open Kiali Console

  • Navigate to Services and select frontend, Actions-> Request Routing

  • Click Route To, Set weight of frontend-v1 to 100% then Click Add Rule

  • Click Show Advanced Options

    • Check cluster domain

      DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
      echo $DOMAIN
    • Virtual Service Hosts frontend.apps.$DOMAIN

    • Gateway

    • Traffic Policy

    • Create


  • Create Destination Rule for frontend v1 and frontend v2

    • Review Destination Rule CRD

      kind: DestinationRule
        name: frontend
        host: frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local
            simple: ROUND_ROBIN
              maxConnections: 20
              http1MaxPendingRequests: 5
            consecutiveGatewayErrors: 2
            consecutive5xxErrors: 2
          - name: v1
              version: v1
          - name: v2
              version: v2
    • Create destination rule

      oc apply -f manifests/frontend-destination-rule.yaml -n project1
  • Create Virtual Service for frontend app

    • Review Virtual Service CRD, Replace DOMAIN with cluster's sub-domain.

      kind: VirtualService
        name: frontend
        - frontend.apps.DOMAIN
        - project1/frontend-gateway
            simple: ROUND_ROBIN
            mode: DISABLE #ISTIO_MUTUAL
        - route:
          - destination:
                number: 8080
              host: frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local
    • Replace DOMAIN with cluster DOMAIN and create virtual service or run following command

      DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
      cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
  • Create Gateway for frontend app

    • Check for cluster's sub-domain

      DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
      echo $DOMAIN
    • Review Gateway CRD, Replaced DOMAIN with cluster's sub-domain

      kind: Gateway
        name: frontend-gateway
          - port:
              number: 80
              protocol: HTTP
              name: http
              - frontend.apps.DOMAIN
          istio: ingressgateway
    • Replace DOMAIN with your clsuter sub-domain and Create gateway

      oc apply -f manifests/frontend-gateway.yaml -n project1

      or use following bash command

      DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
      cat manifests/frontend-gateway.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    • Check that route is automatically created

      oc get route -n istio-system | grep frontend-gateway

      Sample outout

      project1-frontend-gateway-5f5077c573bd9294                                   istio-ingressgateway   http                        None

      <!-- - Create Route (configured with Istio Gateway) for frontend app

    • Review Route, Replace DOMAIN with cluster's DOMAIN

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Route
          name: frontend
          host: frontend.apps.DOMAIN
          targetPort: http2
          kind: Service
          name: istio-ingressgateway
          weight: 100
          wildcardPolicy: None
    • Replace DOMAIN with cluster DOMAIN then create Route

      oc apply -f manifests/frontend-route-istio.yaml -n istio-system

      or use following bash command

      bash DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}') cat manifests/frontend-route-istio.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f - -->

Test Istio Gateway

  • Test with cURL

    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    curl http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

A/B Deployment with Weight-Routing

  • Set weight routing between 2 services with virtual service Remark: if you use above Kiali steps then you already set 100% traffic to frontend-v1

    • Check for virtual service with weight routing, Replace DOMAIN with cluster's DOMAIN

        - route:
          - destination:
                number: 8080
              host: frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local
              subset: v1
            weight: 100
          - destination:
                number: 8080
              host: frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local
              subset: v2
            weight: 0
      • Apply virtual service for Blue/Green deployment with route all traffic to v1
      DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
      cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-weight-routing.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -


      • Test with cURL to verify that all requests are routed to v1
      • Blue/Green deployment by route all requests to v2

        oc patch virtualservice frontend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":0},{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":100}]}}]' -n project1
      • Test with cURL to verify that all requests are routed to v2

      • Adjust traffic 30% to v2

        oc patch virtualservice frontend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":70},{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":30}]}}]' -n project1
  • Test A/B deployment

    • Run 100 requests

      FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
      rm -f result.txt
      while [ $COUNT -lt 100 ];
          OUTPUT=$(curl -s $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE/version)
          printf "%s\n" $OUTPUT >> result.txt
          printf "%s\n" $OUTPUT
          sleep .2
          COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1)
    • Check result for comparing percentage of requests to v1 and v2

      printf "Version 1: %s\n" $(cat result.txt | grep "v1" | wc -l)
      printf "Version 2: %s\n" $(cat result.txt | grep "v2" | wc -l)
      rm -f result.txt

Conditional Routing by URI

  • Set conditional routing between 2 services with virtual service

    • Check for virtual service by URI, Replace DOMAIN with cluster's DOMAIN. Condition with regular expression

      • Route to v1 if request URI start with "/ver" and end with "1"

        kind: VirtualService
          name: frontend
          - frontend.apps.SUBDOMAIN
          - project1/frontend-gateway
          - match:
            - uri:
                regex: /ver(.*)1
            # Rewrite URI back to / because frontend app not have /ver(*)1
              uri: "/"
            - destination:
                host: frontend
                  number: 8080
                subset: v1
          - route:
            - destination:
                host: frontend
                  number: 8080
                subset: v2
  • Apply virtual service

    oc apply -f manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-uri.yaml -n project1

    or use following bash command

    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-uri.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
  • Test with URI /version1 and /ver1

    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    curl -w"\n\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE/version1
    curl -w"\n\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE/vers1
    curl -w"\n\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE/ver1
  • Test with URI /

    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    curl -w"\n\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE/

Canary Deployment using HTTP headers

  • Canary Deployment by checking User-Agent header with Virtual Service, Replace DOMAIN with cluster's sub-domain.

    • If HTTP header User-Agent contains text Firewall, request will be routed to frontend v2
    kind: VirtualService
      name: frontend
      - frontend.apps.DOMAIN
      - project1/frontend-gateway
      - match:
        - headers:
              regex: (.*)Firefox(.*)
        - destination:
            host: frontend
              number: 8080
            subset: v2
      - route:
        - destination:
            host: frontend
              number: 8080
            subset: v1
  • Apply Virtual Service

    oc apply -f manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-header.yaml -n project1

    or use following bash command

    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-header.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
  • Test with cURL with HTTP header User-Agent contains Firefox

    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    curl -H "User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

Traffic Mirroring (Dark Launch)

  • Deploy backend application

    oc apply -f manifests/backend.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-destination-rule.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-virtual-service-v1-v2-50-50.yaml -n project1
    oc get pods -n project1
  • Configure frontend to request to backend

    oc set env deployment/frontend-v1 BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080/ -n project1
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v2 BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080/ -n project1
  • Optional: Draw connetion from frontend to backend in Developer Console

    oc annotate deployment frontend-v1 '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v1"},{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v2"}]' -n project1
    oc annotate deployment frontend-v2 '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v1"},{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v2"}]' -n project1

  • Deploy audit app and mirror every requests that frontend call backend to audit app

    oc apply -f manifests/audit-app.yaml -n project1
    oc get pods -n project1
  • Update backend virtual service to mirror requests to audit app.

    oc apply -f manifests/backend-virtual-service-mirror.yaml -n project1
  • Use cURL to call frontend and check audit's pod log by CLI (with another terminal) or Web Console

    • cURL frontend
    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    • View audit log
    oc logs -f $(oc get pods --no-headers | grep audit|head -n 1|awk '{print $1}') -c backend -n project1

Kiali Graph


Traffic Analysis

  • Check Kiali Console
  • login to OpenShift Developer Console, select project istio-system and open Kiali console

  • Login to Kiali Console and select Graph

    • Namespace: select checkbox "project1"
    • Display: select checkbox "Request distribution" and "Traffic animation"
  • Run following command

    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service-with-weight-routing.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    oc patch virtualservice frontend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":70},{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":30}]}}]' -n project1
    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    while [ 1 ];
            OUTPUT=$(curl -s $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE)
            printf "%s\n" $OUTPUT
            sleep .2
  • Check Kiali Console

  • Traffic analysis for frontend app. Select Application->frontend->inbound traffic and outbound traffic

Distributed Tracing

  • Distributed tracing with Jaeger. Select tab Tracing

    • Overall tracing for frontend app

    • Login to Jaeger by select "View in Tracing"

    • Drill down to tracing information

    • Simulate error on backend app

      • set weight to 50/50

          oc patch virtualservice frontend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":50},{"destination":{"host":"frontend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":50}]}}]' -n project1
      • set backend pod to return 504

        oc exec -c backend -n project1 $(oc get pods -n project1 -l app=backend --no-headers -o=custom-columns=""|head -n 1) -- curl -w "\n\n" -s http://localhost:8080/stop
      • Request to frontend app

        curl -s -w "\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE
        curl -s -w "\n" $FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE
      • Query Jaeger with tag http.status_code=504. Check detail trace to verify that envoy retry request to backend service

        Drill down into detail of transaction

      • set backend pod to return 200

        oc exec -c backend -n project1 $(oc get pods -n project1 -l app=backend --no-headers -o=custom-columns=""|head -n 1) -- curl -w "\n\n" -s http://localhost:8080/start

        JDBC Tracing with OpenTracing

  • Deploy todo application with Kustomize

     oc create -k manifests/todo-kustomize/overlays/dev
     watch oc get pods -n todo
  • Todo Application

  • Add namespace todo to ServiceMeshMemberRoll

    oc patch smmr default -n istio-system --type='json' -p='[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/members/-","value":"todo"}]'
  • Add istio sidecar to deployment todo

     oc patch deployment todo -n todo -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}'
  • Change todo container image to and set JDBC URL to use tracing driver

    oc patch deployment todo -n todo --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image","value":""}]'
    oc set env deployment todo -n todo  quarkus.datasource.jdbc.url=jdbc:tracing:postgresql://todo-db/todo
    oc set env deployment todo -n todo  quarkus.jaeger.endpoint=http://jaeger-collector.istio-system:14268/api/traces
  • Create, update and delete tasks in todo application then Check Kiali console.

    • Select by query type

    • Transaction with create todo item

    • Transaction with query todo items

    • Transaction with deleting todo item

  • Check for traceid in todo pod's log

    oc logs -f \
    $(oc get pods -l app=todo -n todo --no-headers -o=custom-columns=""|head -n 1) \
     -n todo -c todo


    09:54:27 INFO  x-b3-traceid=510dc04de55eb770167efec4a8cd622a, , parentId=167efec4a8cd622a, x-b3-spanid=5ad367c2c286947e, sampled=true [] (executor-thread-0) update id:9
    09:54:27 INFO  x-b3-traceid=447bbafa3ed323909180faf410d181f5, , parentId=9180faf410d181f5, x-b3-spanid=a7a9d4b287917f5f, sampled=true [] (executor-thread-0) update id:10
    09:54:32 INFO  x-b3-traceid=32c779ecb20641fa3823e3b6d448c41e, , parentId=3823e3b6d448c41e, x-b3-spanid=bf61443edfc58082, sampled=true [] (executor-thread-0) getAll

Envoy Access Log

  • Envoy access log already enabled with ServiceMeshControlPlane CRD

          enabled: false
          encoding: TEXT
          name: /dev/stdout
  • Check access log

    oc logs -f \
    $(oc get pods -n project1 --no-headers -o=custom-columns="" -l app=frontend|head -n 1) \
    -c istio-proxy -n project1

    Sample output

    03:17:46 INFO  x-b3-traceid=7256eae02a1f11166d5add572165bfa0, , parentId=6d5add572165bfa0, x-b3-spanid=41e2c3434fbb022a, sampled=true [] (executor-thread-2) getAll

    Search by x-b3-traceid

    View trace

Service Resilience

  • Configure our application to contains only frontend-v1 and backend-v1 and scale backend to 3 pods.

    oc delete all --all -n project1
    oc delete gateway --all -n project1
    oc delete dr,vs --all -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend.yaml -n project1
    oc patch deployment/frontend-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}' -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend.yaml -n project1
    oc delete deployment/frontend-v2 -n project1
    oc delete deployment/backend-v2 -n project1
    oc delete route frontend -n project1
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v1 BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080/ -n project1
    oc annotate deployment frontend-v1 '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v1"},{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v2"}]' -n project1
    oc scale deployment backend-v1 --replicas=3 -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-destination-rule-v1-only.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-virtual-service.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend-destination-rule-v1-only.yaml -n project1
    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    cat manifests/frontend-gateway.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    watch oc get pods -n project1

  • Test with cURL

    FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
    curl http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

    Sample output - Check for field Host that is backend pod that processed for this request

    Frontend version: 1.0.0 => [Backend: http://backend:8080/, Response: 200, Body: Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-f4dbf777f-h7rwg, Status:200, Message: Hello, Quarkus]
  • Loop 6 times. Result from backend will be round robin.

    • Create bash function

      function loop_frontend(){
        FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
        while [ $COUNT -lt $MAX ];
          curl -s http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE | awk -F',' '{print $5 "=>" $2}'
          COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1 )
    • Run function with input paramter 6

    loop_frontend 6

    Sample output

    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
  • Check that pods run on which node

    oc get pods -o=custom-columns=",AZ:.metadata.labels['topology\.kubernetes\.io/zone']" -n project1

    Sample output

    NAME                          AZ
    backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp   us-east-2a
    backend-v1-7779cb476b-bgk22   us-east-2a
    backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9   us-east-2b
    frontend-v1-d6dc6768-vbzcc    us-east-2a

    Envoy has Localcity Load Balancing feature and this feature is enabled by default. A locality defines geographic location by region, zone and subzone. Envoy will try to send request to pod within defined geographic if avilable In this case is within same AZ

    Notice that response came frome 2 pods in AZ us-east-2a same AZ with frontend

  • By default, Envoy will automatically retry if it get response with code 503

  • Force one backend pod to return 503

    • by command line.

      oc exec -n project1 -c backend <backend pod same zone with frontend> -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/not_ready

      Sample output

      Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-bgk22, Status:200, Message: Readiness: false
    • by Web Console

  • Verify response from that pod.

      oc exec -n project1 -c backend   <backend pod same zone with frontend> -- curl -sv http://localhost:8080/

    Sample Output

      < HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
      < Content-Encoding: text/plain
      < Expires: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 12:46:28 GMT
      < Content-Length: 126
      < Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
      { [126 bytes data]
      * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
      Backend version:v1, Response:503, Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-bgk22, Status:503, Message: Application readiness is set to false
  • Test with cURL again. You will get only status 200

      loop_frontend 10

    Sample Output

      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
      Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:200
  • Check tracing in Jaeger by query with http.response_code=503

    Drill down to check that envoy retry request to backend after it got 503 response.

  • Set backend pod to return 200

      oc exec -n project1 -c backend  <backend pod same zone with frontend> -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/ready

Circuit Breaker

  • Update destination rule with circuit breaker

    oc apply -f manifests/backend-destination-rule-circuit-breaker.yaml -n project1
  • Review Circuit Breaker configuration in deatination rule

    • If found error 1 times (consecutiveErrors)
    • then eject that pod from pool for 15 mintues (baseEjectionTime)
    • Maximum number of pod that can be ejected is 100% (maxEjectionPercent)
    • Check this every 15 min (interval)
          baseEjectionTime: 15m
          consecutiveErrors: 1
          interval: 15m
          maxEjectionPercent: 100
  • Set one backend pod to return 504 and verify that pod return 504

    oc exec -n project1 -c backend <backend pod same zone with frontend> -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/stop

    Sample output

    Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-bgk22, Status:200, Message: Liveness: false
  • Verify that backend pod return 504

    oc exec -n project1 -c backend <backend pod same zone with frontend> -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/

    Sample output

    Backend version:v1, Response:504, Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-bgk22, Status:504, Message: Application liveness is set to fasle
  • Test again with cURL. You will get 504 just one times.

    loop_frontend 15

    Sample output

    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-q2hz9=> Status:504
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
    Host:backend-v1-7779cb476b-6wbsp=> Status:200
  • Check Kiali Console. Remark that there is lightning icon at backend service. This is represent for circuit breaker.

  • Set backend pod to normal status

    oc exec -n project1 -c backend $(oc get pod -n project1 | grep -m1 backend | cut -d " " -f1) -- curl -sv http://localhost:8080/start

Secure with mTLS

Within Service Mesh

  • Enable data plane mTLS by edit ServiceMeshControlPlane with following configuration

  • Deploy another pod without sidecar and try to connect to anther services that is part of mesh

Pod Liveness and Readiness

  • Enable Liveness nad Readiness on backend-v1

    oc set probe deployment backend-v1 \
     --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/q/health/ready \
     --initial-delay-seconds=5 --failure-threshold=1 --period-seconds=5 -n project1
      oc set probe deployment backend-v1 \
     --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/q/health/live \
     --initial-delay-seconds=5 --failure-threshold=1 --period-seconds=5 -n project1
  • Check for pod status

    watch oc get pods -l app=backend,version=v1 -n project1

    Example of output

    NAME                          READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
    backend-v1-5846f59c84-p6tn5   1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   4          68s

    Remark: Liveness and Readiness probe fail because kubelet cannot connect to port 8080 anymore.

  • Rewrite HTTP probe by annotation to deployment

    oc patch deployment/backend-v1 \
    -n project1 \
    -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}'
  • Remove Liveness and Readiness probe

    oc set probe deployment backend-v1 --remove --readiness --liveness -n project1

Istio Gateway with mTLS

  • Create certificates and private key

    mkdir -p certs
    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console  | awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    echo "Create Root CA and Private Key"
    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=example Inc./' \
    -keyout certs/ -out certs/
    echo "Create Certificate and Private Key for $CN"
    openssl req -out certs/frontend.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certs/frontend.key -subj "/CN=${CN}/O=Great Department"
    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA certs/ -CAkey certs/ -set_serial 0 -in certs/frontend.csr -out certs/frontend.crt
  • Create secret to store private key and certificate

    oc create secret generic frontend-credential \
    --from-file=tls.key=certs/frontend.key \
    --from-file=tls.crt=certs/frontend.crt \
    -n istio-system
  • Update Gateway

    cat manifests/gateway-tls.yaml|sed s/DOMAIN/$DOMAIN/g|oc apply -n project1 -f -
  • Verify updated gateway configuration

    oc get gateway frontend-gateway -n project1 -o yaml

    Example of output

        istio: ingressgateway
      - hosts:
          name: https
          number: 443
          protocol: HTTPS
          credentialName: frontend-credential
          mode: SIMPLE
    • port is changed to 443 with protocol HTTPS
    • TLS mode is SIMPLE and use private key and certificate from secret name frontend-credential in control plane namespace
    • SIMPLE mode is for TLS. For mutual TLS use MUTUAL
  • Check that route created by Istio Gateway is updated to passthrough mode

    oc get route \
    $(oc get route -n istio-system --no-headers -o=custom-columns="" | grep frontend) \
    -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.spec.tls.termination}'

    Example of output

  • Test with cURL

    export GATEWAY_URL=$(oc get route $(oc get route -n istio-system | grep frontend | awk '{print $1}') -n istio-system -o yaml  -o jsonpath='{}')
    curl -kv https://$GATEWAY_URL

    Example of output

    * SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    * ALPN, server accepted to use h2
    * Server certificate:
    *  subject: CN=frontend-istio-user1.apps.; O=Great Department
    *  start date: Sep  1 12:10:22 2021 GMT
    *  expire date: Sep  1 12:10:22 2022 GMT
    *  issuer: O=example Inc.;
    *  SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate (20), continuing anyway.
    * Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use
    * Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
  • Create client certificate
    echo "Create Root CA and Private Key"
    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=Acme Inc./' \
    -keyout certs/ -out certs/
    echo "Create Certificate and Private Key for $CN"
    openssl req -out certs/great-partner.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certs/great-partner.key -subj "/CN=${CN}/O=Great Department"
    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA certs/ -CAkey certs/ -set_serial 0 -in certs/great-partner.csr -out certs/great-partner.crt
  • Update frontend-credential secret

    oc create secret generic frontend-credential \
    --from-file=tls.key=certs/frontend.key \
    --from-file=tls.crt=certs/frontend.crt \
    --from-file=ca.crt=certs/ \
    -n istio-system --dry-run=client -o yaml \
    | oc replace -n istio-system  secret frontend-credential -f -
  • Update frontend gateway TLS mode to MUTUAL

    oc patch gateway frontend-gateway -n project1 \
    --type='json' \
  • Test

    • cURL without client certificate

      curl -k https://$GATEWAY_URL

      You will get following error

      curl: (35) error:1401E410:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:sslv3 alert handshake failure
    • cURL with Acme Inc certificate

      curl -kv --cacert certs/ \
      --cert certs/great-partner.crt \
      --key certs/great-partner.key \

      Example of output

      * ALPN, offering h2
      * ALPN, offering http/1.1
      * successfully set certificate verify locations:
      *   CAfile: certs/
        CApath: none
      * Server certificate:
      *  subject: CN=frontend-istio-user1.apps.; O=Great Department
      *  start date: Sep  1 12:10:22 2021 GMT
      *  expire date: Sep  1 12:10:22 2022 GMT
      *  issuer: O=example Inc.;
      *  SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate (20), continuing anyway
      Frontend version: 1.0.0 => [Backend: http://backend:8080, Response: 200, Body: Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-f4dbf777f-xp65r, Status:200, Message: Hello, Quarkus]
    • Generate another certificate and private key (Pirate Inc) that frontend gateway not trust
      echo "Create Root CA and Private Key"
      openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=Pirate Inc./' \
      -keyout certs/ -out certs/
      echo "Create Certificate and Private Key for $CN"
      openssl req -out certs/bad-partner.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certs/bad-partner.key -subj "/CN=${CN}/O=Bad Department"
      openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA certs/ -CAkey certs/ -set_serial 0 -in certs/bad-partner.csr -out certs/bad-partner.crt
    • cURL with Pirate Inc certificate

      curl -k --cacert certs/ \
      --cert certs/bad-partner.crt \
      --key certs/bad-partner.key \

      You will get error alert unknown ca

      curl: (35) error:1401E418:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
    • Update frontend gateway to trust Pirate Inc by update frontend-credential secret

      cat certs/ > certs/trusted.crt
      cat certs/ >> certs/trusted.crt
      oc create secret generic frontend-credential \
        --from-file=tls.key=certs/frontend.key \
        --from-file=tls.crt=certs/frontend.crt \
        --from-file=ca.crt=certs/trusted.crt \
        -n istio-system --dry-run=client -o yaml \
        | oc replace -n istio-system secret frontend-credential -f -
    • Test with Pirate Inc certificate

      curl -k --cacert certs/ \
      --cert certs/bad-partner.crt \
      --key certs/bad-partner.key \
    • Recheck that Acme Inc can acess frontend app

      curl -kv --cacert certs/ \
      --cert certs/great-partner.crt \
      --key certs/great-partner.key \
  • Update frontend gateway TLS mode to SIMPLE

    oc patch gateway frontend-gateway -n project1 \
    --type='json' \

JWT Token

Red Hat Single Sign-On

  • Setup Red Hat Single Sign-On (Keycloak)

    • Create namespace

      oc new-project sso --description="Red Hat Single Sign-On" --display-name="Red Hat Single Sign-On"
    • Install Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator

      Install to namespace sso

    • Create Keycloak instance

      oc create -f manifests/keycloak.yaml -n sso
      watch oc get pods -n sso

      Sample outout

      NAME                                   READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
      keycloak-0                             0/1     PodInitializing     0          19s
      keycloak-postgresql-76c57d6f5b-jgnx6   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          19s
      rhsso-operator-748cdf5c96-6nwtq        1/1     Running             0          82s
    • Cosmetic topology view

      oc label deployment/keycloak-postgresql -n sso
      oc annotate statefulset/keycloak '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"keycloak-postgresql"}]' -n sso

    • Extract admin password

      KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(oc extract secret/credential-demo -n sso --to=- --keys=ADMIN_PASSWORD  2>/dev/null)
    • Create Realm and Keycloak Client with Client Credential

      oc create -f manifests/keycloak-realm.yaml -n sso
      oc create -f manifests/keycloak-client.yaml -n sso
    • Client secret

    • Test login with client secret

      KEYCLOAK=$(oc get route/keycloak -n sso -o jsonpath='{}')
      TOKEN=$(curl -s  --location --request  \
      POST https://$KEYCLOAK/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      --data-urlencode client_id=frontend-app \
      --data-urlencode client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET \
      --data-urlencode scope=email \
      --data-urlencode grant_type=client_credentials  | jq .access_token | sed s/\"//g)

RequestAuthentication and Authorization Policy

  • Create RequestAuthentication and AuthorizationPolicy

    oc apply -f manitests/frontend-jwt -n project1
  • Test without JWT token. You will get HTTP resonse code 403

    curl -kv
  • Test with invalid JWT token. You will get HTTP resonse code 401
  • Test with valid JWT token

    TOKEN=$(curl -s  --location --request  \
      POST https://$KEYCLOAK/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      --data-urlencode client_id=frontend-app \
      --data-urlencode client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET \
      --data-urlencode scope=email \
      --data-urlencode grant_type=client_credentials  | jq .access_token | sed s/\"//g)
      curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN -kv
  • Test with expired JWT token (token life is 5 minutes). You will get HTTP response code 401 with following message

    Jwt is expired* Closing connection 0

Service Level Objective (SLO)

We can use Service Level Indicator (SLI) and Service Level Objective (SLO) to determine and measure availability of services. For RESTful Web Service we can use HTTP response code to measure for SLI

  • Deploy applicaition

    oc delete all --all -n project1
    oc delete gateway --all -n project1
    oc delete dr,vs --all -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend.yaml -n project1
    oc patch deployment/frontend-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}' -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend.yaml -n project1
    oc scale deployment/frontend-v1 --replicas=5 -n project1
    oc scale deployment/backend-v1 --replicas=10 -n project1
    oc scale deployment/backend-v2 --replicas=10 -n project1
    oc delete deployment/frontend-v2 -n project1
    oc delete route frontend -n project1
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v1 BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080/ -n project1
    oc annotate deployment frontend-v1 '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v1"},{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v2"}]' -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-destination-rule.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-virtual-service-v1-v2-50-50.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend-destination-rule-v1-only.yaml -n project1
    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    cat manifests/frontend-gateway.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    oc patch virtualservice backend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"backend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":100},{"destination":{"host":"backend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":0}]}}]' -n project1
    watch oc get pods -n project1
  • Generate load

    • Create namespace

      oc new-project load-test
    • Run K6 with 15 threads for 10 minutes to simulate workload

        FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
        oc run load-test -n load-test -i --rm \
        --image=loadimpact/k6 --rm=true --restart=Never \
        --  run -  < manifests/load-test-k6.js \
        -e URL=http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE -e THREADS=15 -e DURATION=10m -e RAMPUP=1s -e RAMPDOWN=0s
  • Prometheus in Service Mesh's control plane contains information about HTTP responses then we can use following PromQL to check for the sucessfull request and total request of backend service

    Use OpenShift Developer Console, select project istio-system and open Prometheus console

    • Success Rate

      • Successful request for last 5 minutes


      • Total requests for last 5 minutes

    • Latency

      • 99th Percentile of response time in sec of frontend service

        histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{destination_service_name="frontend",response_code!~"5*"}[5m])) by (le))/1000
  • SLO for success rate can be calculated by following PromQL and compare this to your desired service level e.g. 99.9%

    sum(increase(istio_requests_total{destination_service_name="backend",response_code!~"5*"}[5m])) / sum(increase(istio_requests_total{destination_service_name="backend"}[5m]))*100
  • Login to Grafana Dashbaord in control plane and import SLO Dashbaord

    • Backend Application service %availability

      sum(increase(istio_requests_total{destination_service_name="backend",response_code!~"5.*"}[5m])) / sum(increase(istio_requests_total{destination_service_name="backend"}[5m])) *100
    • Frontend 99th percentile response time in second

      histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{destination_service_name="frontend",response_code!~"5*"}[5m])) by (le))/1000
    • Backend 99th percentile response time in second

      histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{destination_service_name="backend",response_code!~"5*"}[5m])) by (le))/1000

  • Run following bash script to force 5 backend-v1 pod to return 504 then set those pods to return to 200 OK.

    for pod in $(oc get pods -l app=backend,version=v1 --no-headers  -o=custom-columns="" -n project1|head -n 5|sort)
      oc exec -n project1 -c backend $pod -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/stop -w "\n"
      sleep 1
    sleep 10
    for pod in $(oc get pods -l app=backend,version=v1 --no-headers  -o=custom-columns="" -n project1|head -n 5|sort)
      oc exec -n project1 -c backend $pod -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/start -w "\n"

  • Run following bash script to set traffic to backend-v2 and check both frontend and backend response time increasing.

      oc patch virtualservice backend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/http/0","value":{"route":[{"destination":{"host":"backend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v1"},"weight":30},{"destination":{"host":"backend.project1.svc.cluster.local","port":{"number":8080},"subset":"v2"},"weight":70}]}}]' -n project1

Control Plane with High Availability

OpenShift Service Mesh 1.x

ServiceMeshControlPlane with high availability configuration

  • Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for ingress-gateway

    • Set request and limit
    • Set autoscaling to true
    • Set number of min and max replicas with target CPU utilization to trigger HPA

          enabled: true
          ingress: false
                  cpu: 10m
                  memory: 128Mi
                  cpu: 2000m
                  memory: 2048Mi
  • For others components

    • Set number of replicas to 2

              enabled: false
            replicas: 2
    • Set pod anti-affinity to prevent scheduler to place pods to the same node

      Remark: namespaces in podAntiAffinity is needed to support multiples control planes in the same OpenShift cluster. Change this to match name of control plane's namespace

            - key:
              operator: Exists
              effect: NoExecute
              tolerationSeconds: 60
                - key: istio
                  operator: In
                  - galley
                  namespaces: istio-system
  • Check that pods of each deployment run on different nodes

    oc get pods -o wide -n istio-system -o,NODE:.spec.nodeName,PHASE:.status.phase


    NAME                                    NODE                                        PHASE
    grafana-7bdb4fb848-847c8         Running
    istio-citadel-6668b5b947-njgbb   Running
    istio-citadel-6668b5b947-nk9dz   Running
    istio-galley-6dc7f9c496-hkm57    Running
    istio-galley-6dc7f9c496-qcw9q    Running
    istio-ingressgateway-6bcd484457-25tq7   Running
    istio-ingressgateway-6bcd484457-nvfb9   Running
    istio-pilot-74d5db759c-m9jxm     Running
    istio-pilot-74d5db759c-rcdxj     Running
    istio-policy-58ff56d7dc-26wsq    Running
    istio-policy-58ff56d7dc-62gwl    Running
    istio-sidecar-injector-ffc58c87-4t5gc   Running
    istio-sidecar-injector-ffc58c87-rjz7l   Running
    istio-telemetry-646d7cf56c-fz72g   Running
    istio-telemetry-646d7cf56c-lctxg   Running
    jaeger-7b866d475f-nhrp5          Running
    kiali-75dc58b5f6-bwk7q           Running
    prometheus-85db9d786b-vzskf      Running
    prometheus-85db9d786b-wgrwz      Running
  • Verify HPA for ingress gateway

    oc get hpa -n istio-system


    NAME                   REFERENCE                         TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
    istio-ingressgateway   Deployment/istio-ingressgateway   0%/85%    2         4         2          10m

OpenShift Service Mesh 2.x

ServiceMeshControlPlane with high availability configuration

  • Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for ingress-gateway

    • Set request and limit
    • Set autoscaling to true
    • Set number of min and max replicas with target CPU utilization to trigger HPA

        enabled: true
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 300Mi
                cpu: 2
                memory: 1Gi
              enabled: true
              maxReplicas: 4
              minReplicas: 2
              targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 85
  • For others components

    • Set number of replicas to 2

          replicas: 2
  • Check that pods of each deployment run on different nodes

    oc get pods -n istio-system


    grafana-78f656547-gkm92                 2/2     Running   0          54s
    istio-ingressgateway-667749f4bd-pfl2l   1/1     Running   0          54s
    istio-ingressgateway-667749f4bd-sfwx4   1/1     Running   0          39s
    istiod-basic-install-6994d86579-4n8jf   1/1     Running   0          77s
    istiod-basic-install-6994d86579-b5bgv   1/1     Running   0          77s
    jaeger-85d4744d8b-krqfl                 2/2     Running   0          54s
    kiali-784df775f8-xccsw                  1/1     Running   0          28s
    prometheus-79ff59d59f-6j99k             3/3     Running   0          65s
    prometheus-79ff59d59f-msrpb             3/3     Running   0          65s
  • Verify HPA for ingress gateway

    oc get hpa -n istio-system


    NAME                   REFERENCE                         TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
    istio-ingressgateway   Deployment/istio-ingressgateway   0%/85%    2         4         2          10m
  • Check that pods of each deployment run on different nodes

    oc get pods -o wide -n istio-system -o,NODE:.spec.nodeName,PHASE:.status.phase


    NAME                                    NODE                                         PHASE
    grafana-99f7c499f-jnd9k          Running
    istio-ingressgateway-5fc94885b5-hjhqw   Running
    istio-ingressgateway-5fc94885b5-hxn9r    Running
    istiod-basic-install-58c9bc5bf8-4wbhq    Running
    jaeger-596448d54d-gwn97          Running
    kiali-85c677967c-k7767           Running
    prometheus-565c997f45-plqqb       Running
    prometheus-565c997f45-s7q2t      Running

Rate Limit

OpenShift Service Mesh 2.0.x or Istio 1.6.x

Support Rate Limiting feature in OSSM 2.1.x, OSSM 2.0.x was built on upstream istio 1.6 and we tested Rating Limiting case by

  1. Enable SMCP Policy Mixer Plugins: (change smcp/basic to another your control plane)

    oc patch -n istio-system smcp/basic --type merge -p '{"spec":{"policy":{"type": "Mixer", "mixer":{"enableChecks":true}}}}'

    wait until operator create istio-policy pod complete.

  2. Create Sample Microservice for Test this feature

    oc delete all --all -n project1
    oc delete gateway --all -n project1
    oc delete dr,vs --all -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend.yaml -n project1
    oc patch deployment/frontend-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}}}' -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend.yaml -n project1
    oc delete deployment/frontend-v2 -n project1
    oc delete deployment/backend-v2 -n project1
    oc delete route frontend -n project1
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v1 BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080/ -n project1
    oc annotate deployment frontend-v1 '[{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v1"},{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","name":"backend-v2"}]' -n project1
    oc scale deployment backend-v1 --replicas=3 -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-destination-rule-v1-only.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-virtual-service.yaml -n project1
    oc apply -f manifests/frontend-destination-rule-v1-only.yaml -n project1
    DOMAIN=$(oc whoami --show-console|awk -F'apps.' '{print $2}')
    cat manifests/frontend-virtual-service.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    cat manifests/frontend-gateway.yaml | sed 's/DOMAIN/'$DOMAIN'/'|oc apply -n project1 -f -
    watch oc get pods -n project1

    after finish

Test with cURL

   FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n istio-system|grep frontend-gateway |awk '{print $2}')
   curl http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

Sample output - Check for field Host that is backend pod that processed for this request

   Frontend version: 1.0.0 => [Backend: http://backend:8080/, Response: 200, Body: Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-f4dbf777f-h7rwg, Status:200, Message: Hello, Quarkus]
  1. Follow upstream istio 1.6 Rate Limiting documentation for test rate limit : or use this example (memquota example)

    • create rate limit configuration (QuotaSpecBinding, QuotaSpec, instance, rule, handler), see detail in rate-limit-memquota.yaml

      oc apply -f manifests/mesh/rate-limit-memquota.yaml
    • set handler for manage receive only 1 req/min

      kind: handler
        name: quotahandler
        namespace: istio-system
        compiledAdapter: memquota
          - name: requestcountquota.instance.istio-system
            maxAmount: 1
            validDuration: 60s
    • set service for rate limit

      kind: QuotaSpecBinding
        name: request-count
        namespace: istio-system
        - name: request-count
          namespace: istio-system
        - name: frontend
          namespace: project1 # default
        #- service: '*'  # Uncomment this to bind *all* services to request-count
  2. Test with cURL

    • call first time

      curl -v http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

      example result

      *   Trying
      * TCP_NODELAY set
      * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
      > GET / HTTP/1.1
      > Host:
      > User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
      > Accept: */*
      < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      < x-correlation-id: 79e46c33-987c-49a4-8c4b-5844d1ab1095
      < x-powered-by: Express
      < content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
      < content-length: 181
      < etag: W/"b5-44EZPxVbVPm/rx6FVPtx2E/v4RQ"
      < date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 08:35:18 GMT
      < x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 73
      < server: istio-envoy
      < set-cookie: 56146e318a5c046b870cb6cd1fd45ebf=9e6c14811364e963dccffa42a2e0f2f2; path=/; HttpOnly
      < cache-control: private
      * Connection #0 to host left intact
      Frontend version: v1 => [Backend: http://backend:8080/, Response: 200, Body: Backend version:v1, Response:200, Host:backend-v1-79668c5b99-tkqjn, Status:200, Message: Hello, Quarkus]* Closing connection 0
    • call it again for check rate limit, openshift service mesh will return HTTP Status 429 Too Many Requests

      curl -v http://$FRONTEND_ISTIO_ROUTE

      example result

      *   Trying
      * TCP_NODELAY set
      * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
      > GET / HTTP/1.1
      > Host:
      > User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
      > Accept: */*
      < HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
      < content-length: 60
      < content-type: text/plain
      < date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 08:36:42 GMT
      < server: istio-envoy
      < set-cookie: 56146e318a5c046b870cb6cd1fd45ebf=9e6c14811364e963dccffa42a2e0f2f2; path=/; HttpOnly
      * Connection #0 to host left intact
      RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED:Quota is exhausted for: requestcountquota* Closing connection 0
    • retest again after 1 minute, service will back response with HTTP Status 200

results matching ""

    No results matching ""