Network Observability

Install Operators

Network Observability Operator

  • Install Network Observability Operator

    • Command Line

       oc create -f manifests/netobserv-operator.yaml
       sleep 60
       oc wait --for condition=established --timeout=180s \
       oc get csv -n openshift-netobserv-operator

      Output condition met
       NAME                                    DISPLAY                 VERSION   REPLACES                                PHASE
       network-observability-operator.v1.4.2   Network Observability   1.4.2     network-observability-operator.v1.4.1   Succeeded

      Enable console plugin

       oc patch console.operator cluster  \
       --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plugins/-", "value": "netobserv-plugin"}]'
    • Admin Console

      Enable console plugin

Loki Operator

  • Install Loki Operator and config Loki instance

    • Install Loki Operator

      oc create -f manifests/loki-operator.yaml
      sleep 30
      oc wait --for condition=established --timeout=180s \
      oc get csv

      Output condition met
    NAME                   DISPLAY         VERSION   REPLACES               PHASE
    loki-operator.v5.8.1   Loki Operator   5.8.1     loki-operator.v5.8.0   Succeeded

Configure Loki for Network Observability

  • Prepare Object Storage configuration including S3 access Key ID, access Key Secret, Bucket Name, endpoint and Region

    • In case of using ODF

      - Create Bucket
        - Admin Console
          - Navigate to Storage -> Object Storage -> Object Bucket Claims
          - Create ObjectBucketClaim
            - Claim Name: *netobserv*
            - StorageClass: **
            - BucketClass: *nooba-default-bucket-class*
    • Command line with netobserv-odf-bucket.yaml

        oc create -f manifests/netobserv-odf-bucket.yaml
  • Retrieve configuration into environment variables

    S3_BUCKET=$(oc get ObjectBucketClaim netobserv -n openshift-storage -o jsonpath='{.spec.bucketName}')
    ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret netobserv -n openshift-storage -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}'|base64 -d)
    SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret netobserv -n openshift-storage -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}'|base64 -d)
    DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS=$(oc get sc -A -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class=="true")]}')
  • If you have existing S3 bucket used by OpenShift Image Registry

    S3_BUCKET=$(oc get -o jsonpath='{}' -n openshift-image-registry)
    REGION=$(oc get -o jsonpath='{}' -n openshift-image-registry)
    ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret image-registry-private-configuration -o jsonpath='{.data.credentials}' -n openshift-image-registry|base64 -d|grep aws_access_key_id|awk -F'=' '{print $2}'|sed 's/^[ ]*//')
    SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret image-registry-private-configuration -o jsonpath='{.data.credentials}' -n openshift-image-registry|base64 -d|grep aws_secret_access_key|awk -F'=' '{print $2}'|sed 's/^[ ]*//')
    ENDPOINT=$(echo "https://s3.$")
    DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS=$(oc get sc -A -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class=="true")]}')
  • Create Loki Instance

    cat manifests/netobserv-loki-s3.yaml \
      |sed 's/S3_BUCKET/'$S3_BUCKET'/' \
      |sed 's/REGION/'$REGION'/' \
      |sed 's|ACCESS_KEY_ID|'$ACCESS_KEY_ID'|' \
      |sed 's|ENDPOINT|'$ENDPOINT'|'\
      |oc apply -f -
    watch oc get po -n netobserv


    NAME                                   READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    loki-compactor-0                       0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-distributor-57476f98bf-vhw9q      0/1     Running             0          9s
    loki-gateway-54cf794dcf-5pqgd          0/2     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-gateway-54cf794dcf-6pw4g          0/2     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-index-gateway-0                   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-ingester-0                        0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-querier-6fdbf9bf5c-gw8c7          0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    loki-query-frontend-66d97f7c68-jsgc8   0/1     Running             0          9s

Create Flow Collector

  • Create FlowCollector

    oc create -f manifests/FlowCollector.yaml
    oc get flowcollector -n netobserv

    Output created
     cluster   EBPF    1                DIRECT             Ready

    Remark: This FlowCollector configuration enabled privileged mode with features PacketDrop, DNSTracking and FlowRTT

         - PacketDrop
         - DNSTracking
         - FlowRTT
       privileged: true


  • Check Network Observability by Open Administrator -> Observe -> Network Traffic
  • Overview

    • Add filtering by namespace name i.e. monitor for namespace ui and api

  • Config console to show advanced options

  • Flow Rate

  • Topology

  • Network Traffic Pod

  • Raw Data from backend pod request to external system i.e.

    "AgentIP": "192.xx.xx.2",
    "Bytes": 1335,
    "DstAddr": "3.xx.xx.95",
    "DstMac": "0A:xx:xx:xx:xx:01",
    "DstPort": 443,
    "Duplicate": false,
    "Etype": 2048,
    "Flags": 18,
    "FlowDirection": "1",
    "IfDirection": 1,
    "Interface": "eth0",
    "K8S_ClusterName": "842e6829-4726-4a05-90b8-9xxxxa",
    "Packets": 8,
    "Proto": 6,
    "SrcAddr": "10.xx.2.24",
    "SrcK8S_HostIP": "10.xx.10.20",
    "SrcK8S_HostName": "worker-cluster-qtxtv-1",
    "SrcK8S_Name": "backend-v1-745bfc554-xgpkc",
    "SrcK8S_Namespace": "api",
    "SrcK8S_OwnerName": "backend-v1",
    "SrcK8S_OwnerType": "Deployment",
    "SrcK8S_Type": "Pod",
    "SrcMac": "0A:xx:xx:xx:02:18",
    "SrcPort": 39970,
    "TimeFlowEndMs": 1704805842684,
    "TimeFlowRttNs": 1426096,
    "TimeFlowStartMs": 1704805842547,
    "TimeReceived": 1704805843,
    "app": "netobserv-flowcollector"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""