Image Stream
Image stream is an abstraction to container image in image registry. Image stream itself does not container any image it just a referece to actual image.
You can configure builds and deployments to watch an image stream for notifications when new images are added and react by performing a build or deployment, respectively.
Automatic trigger deployment
import image with schedule update ( Default is every 15 minutes)
oc import-image backend --scheduled --confirm --all --from oc get istag
Setup image lookup for backend imagestream
oc set image-lookup backend oc set image-lookup --list
With image lookup is enabled. Imagestream name can be used in deployment
spec: containers: - name: backend image: backend:v1
Check for latest update interval imagestream
oc get istag backend:v1
NAME IMAGE REFERENCE UPDATED backend:v1 30 seconds ago
Deploy application
oc apply -f backend.yaml
Set trigger
oc set triggers deployment/backend --from-image backend:v1 -c backend
Trigger will set following annotation to deployment for container name backend
metadata: name: backend annotations: '[{"from":{"kind":"ImageStreamTag","name":"backend:v1"},"fieldPath":"spec.template.spec.containers[?(\"backend\")].image"}]'
When image on image registry