Build Container Image with OpenShift DO

   ___                   ____  _     _  __ _     ____   ___  
  / _ \ _ __   ___ _ __ / ___|| |__ (_)/ _| |_  |  _ \ / _ \ 
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  \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|____/|_| |_|_|_|  \__| |____/ \___/ 

ODO Catalog

  • list odo catalog

    odo catalog list components


    Odo Devfile Components:
    NAME                          DESCRIPTION                                                         REGISTRY
    java-maven                    Upstream Maven and OpenJDK 11                                       DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-openliberty              Open Liberty microservice in Java                                   DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-quarkus                  Upstream Quarkus with Java+GraalVM                                  DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-springboot               Spring Boot® using Java                                             DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-vertx                    Upstream Vert.x using Java                                          DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-wildfly                  Upstream WildFly                                                    DefaultDevfileRegistry
    java-wildfly-bootable-jar     Java stack with WildFly in bootable Jar mode, OpenJDK 11 and...     DefaultDevfileRegistry
    nodejs                        Stack with NodeJS 12                                                DefaultDevfileRegistry
    python                        Python Stack with Python 3.7                                        DefaultDevfileRegistry
    python-django                 Python3.7 with Django                                               DefaultDevfileRegistry
    Odo S2I Components:
    NAME       PROJECT       TAGS                                                             SUPPORTED
    java       openshift     latest,openjdk-11-el7,openjdk-11-ubi8,openjdk-8-el7              YES
    nodejs     openshift     12-ubi8,14-ubi8,latest                                           YES
    dotnet     openshift     2.1-el7,2.1-ubi8,3.1-el7,3.1-ubi8                                NO
    golang     openshift     1.13.4-ubi7,1.14.7-ubi8,latest                                   NO
    httpd      openshift     2.4-el7,2.4-el8,latest                                           NO
    java       openshift     openjdk-8-ubi8                                                   NO
    nginx      openshift     1.14-el8,1.16-el7,1.16-el8,1.18-ubi7,1.18-ubi8,latest            NO
    nodejs     openshift     10-ubi7,10-ubi8,12-ubi7,14-ubi7                                  NO
    perl       openshift     5.26-el7,5.26-ubi8,5.30-el7,5.30-ubi8,latest                     NO
    php        openshift     7.2-ubi8,7.3-ubi7,7.3-ubi8,7.4-ubi8,latest                       NO
    python     openshift     2.7-ubi7,2.7-ubi8,3.6-ubi8,3.8-ubi7,3.8-ubi8,latest              NO
    ruby       openshift     2.5-ubi7,2.5-ubi8,2.6-ubi7,2.6-ubi8,2.7-ubi7,2.7-ubi8,latest     NO

    Sample Java

  • Create project

    odo project create odo-demo
  • Create Application

    • From binary

      git clone && cd backend_quarkus
      cd code
      mvn clean package -DskipTests=true -Dquarkus.package.uber-jar=true
      odo create java backend --s2i --binary target/*.jar

      Sample output

      ✓  Validating component [75ms]
      Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed
    • From source code

      odo create nodejs frontend --s2i --git

      Check for odo configuration

      kind: LocalConfig
      Type: nodejs
      SourceType: git
      - 8080/TCP
      Application: app
      Project: demo
      Name: frontend
  • Deploy

    odo push

    Sample outout

     ✓  Checking component [125ms]
     Configuration changes
     ✓  Initializing component
     ✓  Creating component [458ms]
     Applying URL changes
     ✓  URLs are synced with the cluster, no changes are required.
     Pushing to component backend of type binary
     ✓  Checking files for pushing [19ms]
     ✓  Waiting for component to start [2m]
     ✓  Syncing files to the component [2s]
     ✓  Building component [2s]
  • Expose service ( create route)

    odo url create --port 8080

    Sample outout

    ✓  URL backend-8080 created for component: backend
    To apply the URL configuration changes, please use `odo push`

    Remark: you need to run odo push to propagate change to OpenShift

      ✓  Checking component [150ms]
      Configuration changes
      ✓  Retrieving component data [213ms]
      ✓  Applying configuration [184ms]
      Applying URL changes
      ✓  URL backend-8080: created
      Pushing to component backend of type binary
      ✓  Checking file changes for pushing [10ms]
      ✓  Waiting for component to start [41ms]
      ✓  Syncing files to the component [2s]
      ✓  Building component [3s]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""