CI/CD with Azure DevOps


  • Openshift 4.6 Cluster
  • Oepnshift User with Admin Permission
  • Azure DevOps Project
  • Harbor Container Registry
  • Postman / K6 for Test

Azure DevOps

Deploy Back App

deploy source code from azure repo with openshift s2i

login, new project call 'test'

oc login
oc new-project test

prepare secret for azure repo

oc create secret generic azure-repo --from-literal=username=chatapazar --from-literal=password=xxx
oc secrets link builder azure-repo

deploy back app back.yaml

oc create -f back.yaml
oc expose svc/back

Deploy Front App

set current project to test

oc project test

create secret for harbor

oc create secret docker-registry myharbor --docker-username=chatapazar --docker-password=xxx
oc secrets link default myharbor --for=pull --namespace=test

For private Container Registry and Self Sign Cert, if use CA go to create imagestream

get ca.crt with openssl

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > ca.crt

or get cert with firefox ( --> select both PEM & PEM chain)

create configmap and add trust ca to openshift (both PEM & PEM chain

oc create configmap harbor-registry -n openshift-config
oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"additionalTrustedCA":{"name":"harbor-registry"}}}' --type=merge

oc create configmap registry-config -n openshift-config
oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"additionalTrustedCA":{"name":"registry-config"}}}' --type=merge

create imagestream

oc import-image test/front-blue:latest --confirm
oc import-image test/front-green:latest --confirm

update imagestream, if you need change version of image in openshift

oc tag test/front-blue:latest
oc tag test/front-green:latest

deploy front-blue, front-green and expose route to front-blue front-blue.yaml, front-green.yaml

oc create -f front-blue.yaml
oc create -f front-green.yaml
oc patch dc front-green -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":0}}" -n test

oc expose service front-blue -l name=front --name=front

Environment of front app, can change in front-blue.yaml and front-green.yaml


Canary Deployment

create imagestream for canary

oc import-image test/front-main:latest --confirm
oc import-image test/front-sub:latest --confirm

create front-main dc

oc project test
oc create -f front-main.yaml

create front-sub dc

oc create -f front-sub.yaml

create route canary

oc create -f canary.yaml

test canary manual run release canary in azure devops


Prepare Harbor On Kubernetes/OpenShift

create new project 'harbor'

oc new-project harbor
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated

install harbor with helm:

helm install harbor harbor/harbor \
--set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size=10Gi \
--set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.chartmuseum.size=5Gi \
--set persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.size=5Gi \
--set externalURL= \
--set \
--set \
--set harborAdminPassword=H@rb0rAdm \
-n harbor
  • change externalURL to https://ocr.{openshift-clustername}
  • change expose.ingress.hosts.core to ocr.{openshift-clustername}
  • change expose.ingress.hosts.notary to notary.{openshift-clustername}
  • create project test
  • create user for access harbor

Prepare Azure DevOps Service Connection

Service Connection: openshift

select new service connection, select type Openshift

  • Authentication method: Token Based Authentication
  • Server URL: such as
  • accept untrusted SSL: checked
  • api token: such as sha256~fF0TCW0az6FMJ6232dJAxdhX4lqZo-bkYdbfFKwv_Zw
  • service connection name: openshift
  • grant access permission to all pipelines: checked

Service Connection: harbor

select new service connection, select type docker registry

Service Connection: fortify

select new service connection, select type fortify

Azure pipelines

Pipelines: sample-pipeline.yml, sample-pipeline-redhat-image.yml

current step in ci or pipeline

  • install .net sdk 2.2 for test project (app use 2.1, test use 2.2 ???)
  • restore package/library with azure artifacts
  • build
  • unit test --> publish to Azure DevOps
  • code coverage with cobertura --> publish to Azure DevOps
  • publish
  • Option: scan code with fortify (use fortify on demand, don't have fortify scs license file)
  • Option: login for pull ubi8/dotnet-21-runtime --> sample-pipeline-redhat-image.yml
  • build image
  • install trivy, scan image with trivy, publish resutl to Azure DevOps (test)
  • harbor login, with self sign of harbor, need copy ca.crt to docker (such as /etc/docker/certs.d/ ) in Azure DevOps agent and manual login, recommended use CA in Prod
  • push image to harbor

Releases: blue-green.json, canary.json

trigger from ci/pipeline or manual

stage 1: switch to new version

  • setup oc command
  • check current deployment and destination deployment
  • switch from blue to green or green to blue
  • switch route to new version

stage 2: scale down previous version

  • can add approval for confirm
  • setup oc command
  • scale down previous version

Test with postman script of Test

Canary Deployment

change in front route with yaml

    kind: Service
    name: front-blue
    weight: 90
    - kind: Service
      name: front-green
      weight: 10
    targetPort: 8080-tcp
  wildcardPolicy: None

or oc pathc

oc patch route frontend  -p '{"spec":{"to":{"weight":60}}}' -n project1 
oc patch route frontend --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/alternateBackends/0/weight","value":40}]' -n project1

Use Openshift Internal Registry

oc create imagestream demofront -n test
oc create imagestream demoapp -n test

oc login with plugin
docker login -u opentlc-mgr -p $(oc whoami -t)
docker push
docker push

oc tag test/demofront:xxx test/demofront:latest
oc tag test/demoapp:xxx test/demoapp:latest
  • create imagestream
  • login openshift
  • login docker to openshift internal registry with token
  • push image
  • tag image stream

Step Demo

  • preset architecture prod vs demo
  • preset ocp console / usage / login / user management
  • preset harbor / usage / project / user management / scan manual/auto / set cve block pull / set cve whitelist / set auto scan on push
  • present pipeline / release
  • scan code with fortify
  • scan image in pipeline , change show image from red hat , run with red hat image
  • blue green / deploy
  • canary --> example --> see again in service mesh , network deploy section
  • detail of openshift route deployment streategy

openshift internal registry

  • add permission to user for internal registry
    oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:registry <intended_user> -n <namespace/project>
    oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder <intended_user> -n <namespace/project>
    ## or for cluster-wide access...
    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:registry <intended_user>
    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:image-builder <intended_user>
    oc login (with user1)
    oc new-project user1
    oc login (with user2)
    oc new-project user2
    oc login (with admin)
    oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:registry user1 -n user1
    oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder user2 -n user2
  • test rbac internal registry
    oc login (with user1)
    docker login -u user1 -p $(oc whoami -t)
    docker pull hello-world
    docker tag  hello-world:latest
    docker push
    #view imagestream in openshift project user1
    docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
    docker images
    docker logout
    oc login (with user2)
    docker login -u user2 -p $(oc whoami -t)
    docker pull
    #view result error
    docker logout
    oc login (with user1)
    docker login -u user1 -p $(oc whoami -t)
    docker pull
    #view result success
  • prune image

results matching ""

    No results matching ""