Custom Monitoring

Monitor Pod Creation

  • Create custom alerts to monitor for pod creating status with PrometheusRule pod-stuck-alerts.yaml

  • This PrometheusRule will sending alerts if pod status

    • PodStuckContainerCreating for 2 minutes
    • PodStuckImagePullBackOff for 30 seconds
    • PodStuckErrImagePull for 2 minuts
    • PodStuckCrashLoopBackOff for 2 minutes
    • PodStuckCreateContainerError for 2 minutes
    • OOMKilled for 3 minutes

Monitor Project Quotas

  • Create custom alerts to monitor for project quotas with PrometheusRule quota-alert.yaml

  • This PrometheusRule will sending alerts if

    • Project used CPU/memory request/limits more than 90% will alert with critical severity
    • Project used CPU/memory request/limits more than 80% and less than 90% with warning severity

Cluster Level

  • Create PrometheusRule in namespace openshift-monitoring

    oc create -f manifests/pod-stuck-alerts.yaml
    oc create -f manifests/quota-alert.yaml
  • Check alerting rules

  • View alerting rules cpuRequestQuotaCritical

Test Alert

CrashLoopBackOff and ImagePullBackOff

  • Create following pod-stuck deployments. These deployments intentionally put pods into error state.

    oc create -f manifests/pod-stuck.yaml -n demo
  • Check for result

    oc get pods -n demo
  • Sample result

    NAME                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS     AGE
    backend-v5-65569d96b9-ht5zl   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   1 (8s ago)   13s
    backend-v6-794c9fc748-hgpl2   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0            13s
  • Check for alerts on Notifications menu

  • Administrator -> Overview

  • Check for details of an alert


  • Create following memory-hungry deployments. These deployments intentionally put pods into error state.

    oc create -f manifests/memory-hungry.yaml -n demo
  • Check for result

    oc get pods -n demo
  • Get route to access memory-hungry app

    HUNGER=https://$(oc get route memory-hungry -n demo -o jsonpath='{}')
  • Run following command

    curl -s $HUNGER/eat/6
  • Check application log

    2022-10-25 09:03:05,745 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) leak 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT native (powered by Quarkus 2.13.1.Final) started in 0.202s. Listening on:
    2022-10-25 09:03:05,745 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated.
    2022-10-25 09:03:05,745 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [cdi, resteasy, smallrye-context-propagation, smallrye-health, smallrye-metrics, smallrye-openapi, vertx]
    2022-10-25 09:55:54,697 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Prepare meal for dish no. 1
    2022-10-25 09:55:54,845 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Allocated 10485760 bytes
    2022-10-25 09:55:54,845 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Prepare meal for dish no. 2
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,141 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Allocated 10485760 bytes
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,142 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Prepare meal for dish no. 3
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,346 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Allocated 10485760 bytes
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,346 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Prepare meal for dish no. 4
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,641 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Allocated 10485760 bytes
    2022-10-25 09:55:55,641 INFO  [com.exa.HungryResource] (executor-thread-0) Prepare meal for dish no. 5
  • Check for alert in console

  • Check pod with oc get pod -o yaml

        - containerID: cri-o://c3cb6a9b2a967f35bda906e5e20b1d22c1c4f8f1dc15d2e797618e1f8438f7fb
              containerID: cri-o://08f70b1f69bc00906edaa17241d300abf2df4b356c13b7dd1896eae5b0bb6760
              exitCode: 137
              finishedAt: "2022-11-03T07:03:06Z"
              reason: OOMKilled
              startedAt: "2022-11-03T06:56:55Z"

Alert with LINE

  • Login to LINE Developer and create Channel
  • Deploy LINE BOT app

    oc new-project line-alert
    oc create -f manifests/line-bot.yaml -n line-alert

    Verify deployment

  • Update line-bot deployment environment variable API_LINE_TOKEN with your channel access token

    Channel access token

    Update Environment variable

    • Developer Console

    • CLI

      oc set env -n line-alert deployment/line-bot API_LINE_TOKEN-
      oc set env -n line-alert deployment/line-bot API_LINE_TOKEN=$API_LINE_TOKEN
  • Update your Channel's Webhook with line-bot route

    Webhook URL

    LINE_WEBHOOK=https://$(oc get route line-bot -n line-alert -o jsonpath='{}')/webhook
    echo $LINE_WEBHOOK

    Configure Line BOT Webhook to your channel

Send some message to your LINE BOT and check line-bot pod's log

2022-09-06 06:47:14,766 INFO  [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) Message Type: text
2022-09-06 06:47:14,766 INFO  [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) Message: Hi
2022-09-06 06:47:14,766 INFO  [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) userId: U*************, userType: user
2022-09-06 06:47:14,767 INFO  [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) replyToken: 0a5b7*********
  • Register your LINE account to receiving alert by send message register to LINE BOT

    line-bot pod's log

      2022-09-06 07:14:04,915 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) destination: Uef7db62e42ed955b58d9810f64955806
      2022-09-06 07:14:04,916 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) Message Type: text
      2022-09-06 07:14:04,916 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) Message: Register
      2022-09-06 07:14:07,142 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) Register user: U*************
      2022-09-06 07:14:07,143 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) userId: U*************, userType: user
      2022-09-06 07:14:07,143 INFO [com.vor.LineBotResource] (executor-thread-0) replyToken: 741b1*********
  • Configure Alert Manger Webhook

    • Administrator Console, Administration->Cluster Settings->Configuration and select Alertmanager

    • Create Receiver

    • Check that PrometheusRule pod-stuck contains label receiver with value equals to line for each alert

      - alert: PodStuckErrImagePull
          message: Pod    in project  project stuck at ErrImagePull
          description: Pod    in project  project stuck at ErrImagePull
        expr: kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason{reason="ErrImagePull"} == 1 
        for: 30s
          severity: critical
          receiver: 'line'
  • Create deployment with CrashLoopBackoff

      oc create -f manifests/pod-stuck -n demo
      watch oc get pods -n demo
  • Check LINE message

LINE BOT Configuration

Use following enviroment variables to configure LINE BOT

Variable Description
QUARKUS_LOG_CATEGORYCOM_VORAVIZLEVEL Set to DEBUG if you want to log whole JSON message from AlertManager
APP_ALERT_ANNOTATIONS List of attributes from Annotations to including in message

Alert Rule annotaions

  - alert: PodStuckCrashLoopBackOff
          summary: CrashLoopBackOff in project {{ $labels.namespace }}
          message: Pod  {{ $labels.pod }}  in project {{ $labels.namespace }} project stuck at CrashLoopBackOff
          description: Pod  {{ $labels.pod }}  in project {{ $labels.namespace }} project stuck at CrashLoopBackOff

results matching ""

    No results matching ""