Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (ACS)


Central Installation

  • Install Operator

    • Web Console
      • Select Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes

- Accept default parameters

  • Use CLI to install operator

    oc create -f manifests/acs-subscription.yaml
    oc get csv -n rhacs-operator


    namespace/rhacs-operator created created created
    NAME                     DISPLAY                                    VERSION        REPLACES                   PHASE
    rhacs-operator.v4.5.0    Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes   4.5.0          rhacs-operator.v4.4.0       Succeeded

    Remark: It should be better if you choose Manual for Update Approval instead of Automatic for production environment

  • Install roxctl CLI

    • Download latest binary from here

      • For OSX

        curl  -o roxctl
      • Or use roxctl from container

      podman run docker:// <parameter>
  • Create ACS Central with acs-central.yaml

    • If you want to use custom certificate storedfor central add following section to acs-central.yaml

            name: acs-central
  • Create Central

    oc create -f manifests/acs-central.yaml


    • Central is configured with memory limit 8 Gi
    • Default RWO storage for central is 100 GB

    Output created
  • Check status

    oc describe central/stackrox-central-services -n stackrox
    watch oc get pods -n stackrox


    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    central-9c5567677-s9ggb       1/1     Running   0          2m44s
    central-db-77b8c8d6c9-2jcr2   1/1     Running   0          2m44s
    scanner-566f5f5b5b-d6t6d      1/1     Running   0          2m44s
    scanner-566f5f5b5b-tfgng      1/1     Running   0          2m44s
    scanner-db-69cd9c4949-hpc4f   1/1     Running   0          2m44s

    Check PVC

    oc get pvc -n stackrox


    NAME         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    central-db   Bound    pvc-a4b5a0ec-7e28-495c-860c-c715aefd836c   100Gi      RWO            gp3-csi        100s

    Resources consumed by ACS central

    • CPU

    • Memory

[Optional] Create Central at Infra Nodes

  • Infra Nodes preparation

    • Label Infra nodes

      oc label node <node>""
      oc label node <node>""
    • Taint infra nodes with infra-acs

      oc adm taint node <node> infra-acs=reserved:NoSchedule
  • Create Central with acs-central-infra.yaml

    oc create -f manifests/acs-central-infra.yaml -n stackrox

Access Central

  • URL and password to access ACS Console with user admin

    ROX_URL=https://$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}')
    ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS=$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}'):443
    ROX_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret central-htpasswd -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{.data.password}'|base64 -d)

Single Sign-On with OpenShift

  • Navigate to Platform Configuration -> Access Control then click Create auth Provider and select OpenShift Auth

  • Input configuration then click save

    • Name: OpenShift
    • Minium access role: Analyst
    • Rules: mapped spcific user to Admin role

    • Logout and refresh your browser. OpenShift provider will be available for you to login with OpenShift's user account

Secured Cluster Services (Managed Cluster)


  • Login to ACS console
  • Generate cluster init bundle

    • Platform Configuration -> Integrations -> Cluster Init Bundle -> Generate Bundle

    • Input cluster name

    • download Kubernetes Secrets file for installation with Operator or Helm values file for installation with roxctl

  • Create namespace for Secured Cluster Services

    oc new-project stackrox-secured-cluster
  • Create secret from previously downloaded Kubernetes Secrets file

    oc create -f cluster1-Operator-secrets-cluster-init-bundle.yaml -n stackrox-secured-cluster


    secret/admission-control-tls created
    secret/collector-tls created
    secret/sensor-tls created
  • Install Secure Cluster Services on local cluster

    • Create Secured Cluster Service with acs-secured-cluster.yaml

      oc create -f manifests/acs-secured-cluster.yaml -n stackrox-secured-cluster

      Remark: acs-secured-cluster.yaml is prepared for install Secured Cluster Service within the same cluster with Central.

      If you want Admission Control run on Infra Nodes with acs-secured-cluster-infra.yaml

      oc create -f manifests/acs-secured-cluster-infra.yaml -n stackrox-secured-cluster
    • Check status

      oc get securedcluster/cluster1  -n stackrox-secured-cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0]}'
      echo "\n"
      oc get pods -n stackrox-secured-cluster


      {"lastTransitionTime":"2024-07-28T15:50:59Z","message":"StackRox Secured Cluster Services 4.5.0 has been installed.\n\n\n\nThank you for using StackRox!\n","reason":"InstallSuccessful","status":"True","type":"Deployed"}
      NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      admission-control-7c68c4f7b4-kgblg   1/1     Running   0          62s
      admission-control-7c68c4f7b4-phdj8   1/1     Running   0          62s
      admission-control-7c68c4f7b4-tfj2g   1/1     Running   0          61s
      collector-hcvnc                      3/3     Running   0          61s
      collector-jkg44                      3/3     Running   0          62s
      collector-t225q                      3/3     Running   0          61s
      collector-vxpmv                      3/3     Running   0          62s
      collector-wcwxv                      3/3     Running   0          62s
      collector-wt5vb                      3/3     Running   0          61s
      scanner-7bbc488778-2hvkp             1/1     Running   0          62s
      scanner-7bbc488778-l8vf2             1/1     Running   0          62s
      scanner-7bbc488778-xzjr2             1/1     Running   0          62s
      scanner-db-97dbbf44-2j6vw            1/1     Running   0          62s
      sensor-7c49b87f4f-8jx2t              1/1     Running   0          62s


      • Adminission control is high availability with default 3 pods
      • Collector is run on every nodes including control plane

    Resources consumed by admission control and collector

    • CPU

    • Memory

Install Secure Cluster Services on remote cluster

  • Generate cluster init bundle
  • Create secret from previously downloaded Kubernetes Secrets file

      oc new-project stackrox-secured-cluster
      oc create -f cluster2-cluster-init-secrets.yaml -n stackrox-secured-cluster
  • Install ACS operator
  • Create Secured Cluster Service with centralEndpoint set to Central's route.

    Get Central's route and save to ROX_HOST environment variable

      ROX_HOST=$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}')

    Login to remote cluster and run following command.

      cat manifests/acs-secured-cluster.yaml | \
      sed 's/central.stackrox.svc/'$ROX_HOST'/' | \
      sed s/cluster1/cluster2/ | \
      oc create -n stackrox-secured-cluster -f -

CLI roxctl and Helm

  • Create authentication token

    • Login to Central

      echo "ACS Console: https://$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}')"
    • Platform Configuration -> Integrations -> Authentication Tokens. Select StackRox API Token then generate token and copy token to clipboard

      • Token Name: admin
      • Role: Admin
  • Set environment variable

      export ROX_API_TOKEN=<api-token>
      export ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS=$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}'):443
  • Add Helm repository

    helm repo add rhacs
  • Install Secure Cluster Services on local cluster

    • Generate cluster init bundle

      roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" central init-bundles generate $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --output $CLUSTER_NAME-init-bundle.yaml

      Example of output

      INFO:    Successfully generated new init bundle.
        Name:       cluster1
        Created at: 2022-05-22T07:43:47.645062387Z
        Expires at: 2023-05-22T07:44:00Z
        Created By: admin
        ID:         84c50c04-de36-450d-a5d6-7a23f1dd563c
      INFO:    The newly generated init bundle has been written to file "cluster1-init-bundle.yaml".
      INFO:    The init bundle needs to be stored securely, since it contains secrets.
      INFO:    It is not possible to retrieve previously generated init bundles.
    • Create collectors

      helm install -n stackrox-cluster --create-namespace stackrox-secured-cluster-services rhacs/secured-cluster-services \
      -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}-init-bundle.yaml \
      --set clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
      --set imagePullSecrets.allowNone=true
  • Install Secure Cluster Services on Remote cluster

    • Generate cluster init bundle

      roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" central init-bundles generate $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --output $CLUSTER_NAME-init-bundle.yaml
    • Create collectors

      helm install -n stackrox --create-namespace stackrox-secured-cluster-services rhacs/secured-cluster-services \
      -f ${CLUSTER_NAME}-init-bundle.yaml \
      --set centralEndpoint=${ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS} \
      --set clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
      --set imagePullSecrets.allowNone=true
    • Check collector pods

      oc get pods -n stackrox -l app=collector,


      NAME              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      collector-5hmzt   2/2     Running   0          87s
      collector-dmpps   2/2     Running   0          87s
      collector-ffpdg   2/2     Running   0          87s
      collector-rfkq2   2/2     Running   0          87s
      collector-x4gtb   2/2     Running   0          87s

View Managed Cluster

  • Check ACS Console

    • Dashboard

    • Platform Configuration -> Clusters

Overall status


Dynamic configuration


Helm-managed cluster


Integration with Nexus

Setup Nexus

  • Create namespace

    oc new-project ci-cd
  • Create nexus

    cd bin

    Example of output

    expose port 5000 for container registry
    service/nexus-registry exposed created
    NEXUS URL = nexus-ci-cd.apps.cluster-**
    NEXUS User admin: *****
    NEXUS User jenkins: **********
    Nexus password is stored at nexus_password.txt
  • Login to nexus with user admin and initial password and set new admin password.

  • Browse repository
  • Copy sample container images to nexus

    NEXUS=$(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')/repository/container
    allImages=(backend:v1 backend:native backend:CVE-2020-36518 frontend-js:v1 frontend-js:node log4shell:latest backend-native:distroless)
    for image in $allImages
      echo "############## Copy $image ##############"
      podman run \
      copy --src-tls-verify=true \
      --dest-tls-verify=false \
      --src-no-creds \
      --dest-username admin \
      --dest-password $NEXUS_PASSWORD \
      docker://$image \
      echo "##########################################"

    Check Nexus docker repository

Config ACS

  • Login to ACS Central
  • Platform Configuration -> Integrations -> Sonatype Nexus -> New Integration

    Check for Nexus Container Registry address

    echo "Endpoint: $(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')"

    • Input User, Password and Nexus Registry address then click Test and Save

Container Image with Vulnerabilities

  • Deploy sample application

      oc new-project test
      oc run log4shell --labels=app=log4shell --image=$(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')/log4shell:latest -n test
      oc run backend --labels=app=CVE-2020-36518 --image=$(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')/backend:CVE-2020-36518 -n test
      watch oc get pods -n test
  • Check ACS Dashboard.

    • 1 Criticals violation will be found.

    • Drill down for more information


CVE Information


CVSS score:
  • Search by CVE. Vulnerability Management -> Dashboard -> IMAGES -> Search for CVE-2021-44228

Details information

  • Naviate to Violations, You will find Fixable at least important that is alert for deployment with fixable vulnerbilities on backend deployment

    Affected deployment

    Drilled down to integrated nexus

Shift Left Security


  • Try kube-linter with deployment YAML

    kube-linter lint manifests/mr-white.yaml

    Download kube-linter from this link

  • Sample recommendation

    ``` KubeLinter 0.6.5

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) environment variable SECRET in container "mr-white" found (check: env-var-secret, remediation: Do not use raw secrets in environment variables. Instead, either mount the secret as a file or use a secretKeyRef. Refer to for details.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) The container "mr-white" is using an invalid container image, "". Please use images that are not blocked by the BlockList criteria : [".:(latest)$" "^:$" "(.*/:]+)$" (check: latest-tag, remediation: Use a container image with a specific tag other than latest.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" does not have a read-only root file system (check: no-read-only-root-fs, remediation: Set readOnlyRootFilesystem to true in the container securityContext.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" is not set to runAsNonRoot (check: run-as-non-root, remediation: Set runAsUser to a non-zero number and runAsNonRoot to true in your pod or container securityContext. Refer to for details.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" has cpu request 0 (check: unset-cpu-requirements, remediation: Set CPU requests and limits for your container based on its requirements. Refer to for details.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" has cpu limit 0 (check: unset-cpu-requirements, remediation: Set CPU requests and limits for your container based on its requirements. Refer to for details.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" has memory request 0 (check: unset-memory-requirements, remediation: Set memory requests and limits for your container based on its requirements. Refer to for details.)

    manifests/mr-white.yaml: (object: /mr-white apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "mr-white" has memory limit 0 (check: unset-memory-requirements, remediation: Set memory requests and limits for your container based on its requirements. Refer to for details.)

Error: found 8 lint errors

- Try kube-linter with [backend-v1.yaml](manifests/backend-v1.yaml)

  kube-linter lint manifests/backend-v1.yaml


  manifests/backend.yaml: (object: <no namespace>/backend-v1 apps/v1, Kind=Deployment) container "backend" does not have a read-only root file system (check: no-read-only-root-fs, remediation: Set readOnlyRootFilesystem to true in the container securityContext.)

Container "backend" still does not have a read-only root file system because Vert.X still need to write /tmp then try backend deployment with emptyDir

Try agin with backend-v1-emptyDir.yaml which set readOnlyRootFilesystem to true

  kube-linter lint manifests/backend-v1-emptyDir.yaml


  KubeLinter 0.6.5

  No lint errors found!

Scan and check image with roxctl

  • Create token for DevOps tools

    • Navigate to Platform Configuration -> Integrations -> Authentication Token -> API Token
    • Click Generate Token
    • Input token name and select role Continuous Integration
    • Copy and save token.
  • Set API token to environment variable

    export ROX_API_TOKEN=<token>
    ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS=$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}'):443
  • Scan image to check for vulnerbilities

    roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" image scan --image $(oc get -n ci-cd route nexus-registry -o jsonpath='{}')/backend:v1 --output=table
    roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" image scan --image $(oc get -n ci-cd route nexus-registry -o jsonpath='{}')/backend:CVE-2020-36518 --output=json| jq '.result.summary.CRITICAL'

    Scan all images in Nexus registry

    ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS=$(oc get route central -n stackrox -o jsonpath='{}'):443
    allImages=(backend:v1 backend:11-ubuntu backend:CVE-2020-36518 frontend-js:v1 frontend-js:node frontend-js:CVE-2020-28471 log4shell:latest backend-native:v1 backend-native:distroless)
    for image in $allImages
        roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" image scan --image $(oc get -n ci-cd route nexus-registry -o jsonpath='{}')/$image --output=table

    Resources comsumed by ACS Central

  • Check images in image registry

    • Stackrox can check for vulnerbilities in libraries used by Java applicaion. Check for image backend:CVE-2020-36518

      roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify \
      -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" image check \
      --image $(oc get -n ci-cd route nexus-registry -o jsonpath='{}')/backend:CVE-2020-36518 \


Remark: Column *BREAKS BUILD* indicate that this violation will be stop build process or not
  • Image backend:v1

    roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify \
    -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" image check \
    --image $(oc get -n ci-cd route nexus-registry -o jsonpath='{}')/backend:v1 \


  • Deployment check

    roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e "$ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS" deployment check --file=manifests/backend-bad-example.yaml

    Remark: BREAKS DEPLOY column indicate that deployment will be blocked by ACS or not

Sample of Default Policies

  • Deploy Mr.White to namespace bad-ns

    oc new-project bad-ns --display-name="This is Mr. White Namespace"
    oc apply -f manifests/mr-white.yaml -n bad-ns
    oc expose deploy mr-white -n bad-ns
    oc expose svc mr-white -n bad-ns
    MR_WHITE=$(oc get route mr-white -o jsonpath='{}' -n bad-ns)
  • Run following command

    curl http://$MR_WHITE/exec/whoami
    curl http://$MR_WHITE/exec/useradd%20jessy-pinkman
    curl http://$MR_WHITE/exec/groupadd%20van-cooking-station
    oc exec -n bad-ns $( oc get po -o custom-columns='' -n bad-ns --no-headers) -- pwd


    Check for policies

    • Shell Spawned by Java Application
    • Linux Group Add Execution
    • Linux User Add Execution
    • Environment Variable Contains Secret
    • Secret Mounted as Environment Variable
    • Kubernetes Actions: Exec into Pod
    • Latest tag

Enforce policy on Buid Stage

  • Setup Jenkins and SonarQube

    cd bin

    Remark: This demo need Nexus

Use roxctl in Pipeline

  • Create buildConfig backend-build-stackrox-pipeline with Jenkins.

    cat manifests/backend-build-stackrox-pipeline.yaml| \
    sed 's/value: NEXUS_REGISTRY/value: '$(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')'/' | \
    oc create -n ci-cd -f -
  • Create secret name stackrox-token in namespace ci-cd to store Stackrox API token

    echo "...Token.." > token
    oc create secret generic stackrox-token -n ci-cd --from-file=token
    rm -f token
  • Login to Jenkins

    echo "Jenkins URL: https://$(oc get route jenkins -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')"
  • Start backend-build-stackrox-pipeline. Pipeline will failed because image contains CVEs and violate policy Fixable Severity at least Important



  • Check backend-build-stackrox-pipeline Jenkinsfile for roxctl command in Pipeline.

      stage('Scan Image') {
          steps {    
            container("tools") {
              echo "Scan image: ${NEXUS_REGISTRY}/${imageName}:${devTag}}"
              echo "Central: ${env.ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS}"
              sh "export ROX_API_TOKEN=${ROX_API_TOKEN};roxctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e ${ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS} image check --image=${NEXUS_REGISTRY}/${imageName}:${devTag} --output=table"
  • backend app intentionally use jackson-bind that contains CVEs. You can check this in pom.xml

  • Change ref from cve to master for backend. Branch master already update jackson-bind to updated version.

      contextDir: Jenkinsfile/build-stackrox
        ref: master

Stackrox Jenkins Plugin

  • Install Stackrox plugin and restart Jenkins

  • Create buildConfig backend-build-stackrox-with-plugin-pipeline with Jenkins.

    cat manifests/backend-build-stackrox-with-plugin-pipeline.yaml| \
    sed 's/value: NEXUS_REGISTRY/value: '$(oc get route nexus-registry -n ci-cd -o jsonpath='{}')'/' | \
    oc create -n ci-cd -f -
  • Start backend-build-stackrox-with-plugin-pipeline. Pipeline will failed because image contains CVEs and violate policy Fixable Severity at least Important

  • Detailed report in Jenkins

    Remark: Jenkinsfile for backend-build-stackrox-with-plugin-pipeline

      stage('Scan Image') {
        steps {    
            script {
                echo "Scan image: ${NEXUS_REGISTRY}/${imageName}:${devTag}}"
                stackrox (
                      apiToken: "${ROX_API_TOKEN}",
                      caCertPEM: '',
                      enableTLSVerification: false,
                      failOnCriticalPluginError: true,
                      failOnPolicyEvalFailure: true,
                      portalAddress: "${env.ROX_CENTRAL_ADDRESS}",
                      imageNames: "${NEXUS_REGISTRY}/${imageName}:${devTag}"

Enable Policy

  • Login to ACS Console, Select Menu Platform -> Configuration, type policy in search bar then input curl

  • Select policy Curl in image and edit policy

  • Select policy behavior

    • select inform and enforce
    • enable on build

  • Enable policy curl in image

  • Re-run Jenkins pipeline backend-build-stackrox-pipeline and check for report

Enforce policy on Deployment Stage

  • Create project demo
  • Open ACS Central. Navigate to Platform Configuration->Policies
  • At the search filter. Search for policy No resources requests or limits specified

  • Click Action->Clone Policy and set name to Request and Limit are required

  • Edit Policy behavior and set response method to Inform and Enforce

  • Navigate to Policy Scope and Add inclusion scope input following values

    • Cluster: Cluster1
    • Namespace: demo
  • Navigate to Policy Scope and check for Preview violations
  • Deploy following app

    oc create -f manifests/mr-white.yaml -n demo


    ```bash Error from server (Failed currently enforced policies from StackRox): error when creating "manifests/mr-white.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: The attempted operation violated 1 enforced policy, described below:

    Policy: Request and Limit are required

    • Description: ↳ Alert on deployments that have containers without resource requests and limits
    • Rationale: ↳ If a container does not have resource requests or limits specified then the host
      may become over-provisioned.
    • Remediation: ↳ Specify the requests and limits of CPU and Memory for your deployment.
    • Violations:
      • CPU limit set to 0 cores for container 'mr-white'
      • CPU request set to 0 cores for container 'mr-white'
      • Memory limit set to 0 MB for container 'mr-white'
      • Memory request set to 0 MB for container 'mr-white'

In case of emergency, add the annotation {"": "ticket-1234"} to your deployment with an updated ticket number

- ACS Console, navigate to Violations


## Enforce policy on Runtime Stage
### Exec into Pod
- Platform configuration -> Policies
- Search for Policy Kubernetes Actions: Exec into Pod
- Click Action -> Edit Policy
- Click Next to Policy Behavior and enable Enforce on runtime. This will make ACS kill the offend pod that try to run exec.


- Save Policy
- Run curl inside backend's pod

    oc new-project project1
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-v1.yaml -n project1
    oc exec -n project1 $(oc get pods -n project1 -l app=backend --no-headers | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') -- curl -s http://backend:8080

command terminated with exit code 6
  • Check Console

    • Navigate to Dashboard -> Violation

    • Details information


  • Platform configuration -> Policies
  • Search for nmap Execution
  • Verify that status is enabled
  • Deploy container tools

    oc apply -f manifests/network-tools.yaml -n project1
  • Execute namp

    oc exec $(oc get pods -l app=network-tools --no-headers -n project1 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') -n project1 -- nmap -v -Pn


    Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2022-05-26 02:05 UTC
    Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 02:05
    Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 02:05, 0.00s elapsed
    Initiating Connect Scan at 02:05
    Scanning ( [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 8080/tcp on
    Completed Connect Scan at 02:05, 4.31s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Nmap scan report for (
    Host is up (0.0019s latency).
    rDNS record for
    Not shown: 999 filtered ports
    8080/tcp open  http-proxy
    Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.44 seconds
  • Check ACS Central. Navigate to Violations

    • nmap execution is detected

    • details information




Initial compliance scan

Overall reports

Compliance Operator

  • ACS integrated with OpenShift Compliance Operator. Following show result for OpenShift Compliance Operator with CIS profile and already remidiated by Operator

Network Graph

Sample Application

  • Deploy frontend and backend app on namespace ui and api respectively

    oc new-project ui
    oc new-project api
    oc create -f manifests/frontend.yaml -n ui
    oc create -f manifests/backend-v1.yaml -n api
    oc expose deployment/backend-v1 -n api
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v1 BACKEND_URL=http://backend-v1.api.svc:8080 -n ui
    oc set env deployment/frontend-v2 BACKEND_URL=http://backend-v1.api.svc:8080 -n ui
  • Check for frontend URL

    FRONTEND_URL=$(oc get route/frontend -o jsonpath='{}' -n ui)
  • Test with curl

    curl https://$FRONTEND_URL

    Network Policies

  • Check Network Graph in ACS Console

    • Select cluster1 then select namespace ui and api
    • Click deployment backend-v1

    • Select tab Flows

      • Ingress from frontend-v1 in namespace ui
      • Ingress from frontend-v2 in namespace ui
      • Egress from backend-v1 in namespace api
      • Egress from backend-v1 to external entities
      • Select above entries and Add to Baseline
    • Click tab Baselines then click Download baseline as network policy
    • Check network policies which created from actual traffic baseline

      kind: NetworkPolicy
        creationTimestamp: "2023-04-18T16:04:11Z"
        name: stackrox-baseline-generated-backend-v1
        namespace: api
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                app: frontend
                version: v2
          - namespaceSelector:
                app: frontend
                version: v1
          - podSelector:
                app: backend
                version: v1
          - port: 8080
            protocol: TCP
            app: backend
            version: v1
        - Ingress
      status: {}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""