CI/CD with Jenkins

Overall Solution

Jenkins pipelines to demonstrate CI/CD process to build Quarkus application from source code to container image with version control by tag name and deploy application to Development, Staging, UAT and blue/green deployment to Production environment.


Source code of Quarkus and Jenkins

Build and Deploy to Development Environment

  • Build fast-jar Quarkus application
  • Pull dependencies from Nexus
  • Run unit test with JUnit and code quality with SonarQube
  • Push container image to Nexus or internal registry
  • Create service, route and deploymentconfig in dev project

Deploy Staging Environment

  • Select version to deploy to stage project
  • Tag container image with version-DDMMYYYY-round
  • Tear down and deploy application to stage project

Deploy UAT Environment

  • Select version to deploy to uat project. Only images with tag version-DDMMYYYY-round will be avaiable in list to deploy
  • Tear down and deploy application to uat project

Deploy Production Environment

  • Select version to deploy to prod project. Only images with tag version-DDMMYYYY-round will be avaiable in list to deploy
  • Create deploymentconfig and service for blue and green version
  • Create route
  • Select version to deploy and scale down previous version



  • Create 4 projects ci-cd, dev, stage, uat and prod

    oc new-project $DEV  --display-name="Development Environment"
    oc new-project $STAGE  --display-name="Staging Environment"
    oc new-project $UAT --display-name="User Acceptance Test Environment"
    oc new-project $PROD --display-name="Production Environment"
    oc new-project $CI_CD  --display-name="CI/CD Tools"
  • Allow jenkins service account to managed dev, stage, uat and prod

    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:${CI_CD}:jenkins -n ${DEV}
    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:${CI_CD}:jenkins -n ${STAGE}
    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:${CI_CD}:jenkins -n ${UAT}
    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:${CI_CD}:jenkins -n ${PROD}
  • Allow dev, stage, uat and prod to pull image from ci-cd project (in case use internal image registry instead of Nexus)

    oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:${DEV} -n ${CI_CD}
    oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:${STAGE} -n ${CI_CD}
    oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:${UAT} -n ${CI_CD}
    oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:${PROD} -n ${CI_CD}

    Remark: You can use bash script for all above steps.

Jenkins, SonarQube and Nexus

  • Setup

    • Run bash scripts to setup Jenkins, SonarQube and Nexus

      cd bin

      Sample output

      Check Developer Console

    • Login to Nexus with user admin with password from the 1st line nexus_password.txt. You can change password to whatever you want

    • Check for Nexus's repositories

    • Jenkins will use user and password stored in secret nexus-credential

      • Check for nexus-credential

        oc describe secret/nexus-credential -n ci-cd

        Sample output

        Name:         nexus-credential
        Namespace:    ci-cd
        Labels:       <none>
        Annotations:  <none>
        Type:  Opaque
        password:  48 bytes
        username:  8 bytes

Jenkins Pipelines

  • Create pipelines

    oc apply -f manifests/backend-build-pipeline.yaml -n ci-cd
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-release-pipeline.yaml -n ci-cd
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-release-uat-pipeline.yaml -n ci-cd
    oc apply -f manifests/backend-release-prod-pipeline.yaml -n ci-cd
  • Control pipeline to use internal registry or Nexus by pipeline's parameter USE_INTERNAL_REGISTRY

      - name: DEV_PROJECT
        value: dev
      - name: CICD_PROJECT
        value: ci-cd
      - name: BACKEND_URL
      - name: NEXUS_SVC
      - name: NEXUS_REGISTRY_SVC
      - name: NEXUS_REGISTRY
      - name: SONARQUBE_SVC
        value: http://sonarqube:9000
      - name: NEXUS_SECRET
        value: nexus-credential
        value: "false"

    Jenkins Remote API

  • Create token

    Check for jenkins's user ID

  • Configure pipeline Trigger builds

  • Test

curl -X POST -L -v --user $USERID:$TOKEN "$JENKINS_URL/job/ci-cd/job/ci-cd-backend-build-pipeline/buildWithParameters?token=jira&"


  • Maven build in pipeline pull dependencies from nexus

    • Code snippets

      environment {
        mvnCmd = "mvn -s ./nexus_settings.xml "
      script {
        sh "${mvnCmd} -Dquarkus.package.type=fast-jar -Dinternal.repo.username=${nexusUser} -Dinternal.repo.password=${nexusPassword} -DskipTests=true clean package"
    • Nexus's repository

  • SonarQube code quality checking

    • Code snippets

      script {
        sh "${mvnCmd} sonar:sonar -Dinternal.repo.username=${nexusUser} -Dinternal.repo.password=${nexusPassword}${env.SONARQUBE_SVC} -Dsonar.projectName=${imageName}-${devTag} -Dsonar.projectVersion=${devTag}"
    • Scan result

  • Container images is built and pushed to Nexus

    • Code snippets

      openshift.withCluster() {
        openshift.withProject(env.CICD_PROJECT) {
    • Nexus image registry

  • Application is deployed with label version and tag

results matching ""

    No results matching ""