Installation on AWS
- Public Hosted Zone and map to DNS in Route 53 service
- AWS Account with Programmatic Acesss and AdministratorAccess Policy included
- Access Key ID of AWS Account
- Secret Access Key Values of AWS Account
- AWS Public regions for deploy Openshift Cluster
- Pull secret from
- Evaluation subscription can be found at
- Internet Access during installation process
- Generating a Key Pair for cluster node with SSH Access
Default CPU , memory and Disk sizing for Openshift node after finish deployment
Node Type | vCPU | Mem(GiB) | Storage (GB) |
Control Plane | 4 | 16 | 100 |
Compute | 2 | 8 | 100 |
prepare the bastion server to install OpenShift Container Platform. This includes installing the AWS Command Line Interface , the OpenShift Installer , and the OpenShift CLI
Connect to your administration host
ssh <user name>@bastion.<Domain Name>
Switch to root using the sudo command
sudo -i
Install the AWS CLI Tool
curl "https:/" -o ""
./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /bin/aws
aws --version
Install OpenShift CLI Tools
- Download OpenShift Installer and OpenShift Client (oc) from here
Install OpenShift Installer
tar zxvf <OpenShift-Installer> -C /usr/bin chmod +x /usr/bin/openshift-install
Install OpenShift Client (oc)
tar zxvf <OpenShift Client> -C /usr/bin chmod +x /usr/bin/oc
Optional: setup bash completion
openshift-install completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/openshift-install oc completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/openshift
Set your AWS credentials to $HOME/.aws/credentials
Install OpenShift
Get pull secret from
Login to
Navigate to OpenShift Menu->Create Cluster->Run it yourself->AWS (x86_64) on run it your self->Installer-provisioned-infrastructure
Copy pull secret
Save your pull secret for use later
Create an SSH keypair to be used for your Openshift environement
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/cluster-{Name}-key -N ''
Run OpenShift Installer for interactive installation
openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory>
Input your cluster configuration
? SSH Public Key /home/<user_name>/.ssh/cluster-{Name} ? Platform aws INFO Credentials loaded from the "default" profile in file "/home/<user_name>/.aws/credentials" ? Region <your AWS Region> ? Base Domain <your AWS Domain> ? Cluster Name <your AWS Cluster Name> ? Pull Secret [? for help] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Sample output
INFO Creating infrastructure resources... INFO Waiting up to 20m0s for the Kubernetes API at INFO API v1.19.0+e49167a up INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for bootstrapping to complete... INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources... INFO Waiting up to 40m0s for the cluster at to initialize... INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created... INFO Install complete! INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/' INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: INFO Login to the console with user: kubeadmin, password: *************** INFO Time elapsed: 32m6s
set up the OpenShift CLI
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/cluster-{NAME}/auth/kubeconfig echo "export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/cluster-{NAME}/auth/kubeconfig" >>$HOME/.bashrc
Validate your clusters
Check that you are cluster administrator
oc whoami
Validate that all nodes have a status of Ready
oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready master 24m v1.19.0+e49167a Ready worker 17m v1.19.0+e49167a Ready worker 19m v1.19.0+e49167a Ready master 24m v1.19.0+e49167a Ready worker 19m v1.19.0+e49167a Ready master 24m v1.19.0+e49167a